Jul 10, 2018
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Paul Chek is a
holistic health practitioner, a.k.a. "a healer." He developed a
knack for it quite by accident about 30 years ago, when his
teammates on the US Army boxing team found that they felt
better and healed faster after having him work on them. He went on
to study healing arts for the majority of two decades all over the
world. He didn't leave a stone unturned, learning from as many
different types of healers possible, in as many different
modalities. As a result, he developed an innate capacity to heal
others - especially when traditional methods didn't
work. He's also known for having been largely responsible for
first introducing the Swiss Ball to the world as an exercise tool
for rehab, corrective exercise, and training.
In an effort to reach more
people with his vast knowledge base and experience, he founded
the CHEK Institute where he teaches his methods and philosophies to
health practitioners from all over the world. His programs
and approach, addressing the foundational root causes of a problem,
have literally changed the lives of thousands of his clients, his
students, and their clients.
Paul is currently a sought-after international presenter and consultant for companies like the Chicago Bulls, Australia’s Canberra Raiders, and the US Air Force Academy. He has also produced over 60 DVDs and 17 advanced-level home study courses and has had articles featured in Wall Street Journal, Men’s Health, Glamour magazine as well as TV and radio. His book, The Golf Biomechanics Manual and course are PGA-approved, and have been adopted for use by professional golf schools, as well as featured on the Golf Channel.
Paul is a registered
Native American Spirit Guide and Medicine Man with the Nemenhah
Band (people of the truth) and Native American Traditional
Organization (NAC) where he initiates a process of awakening
comprehensive healing through sacred ceremony.
From Andy:
This was an especially meaningful conversation for me as Paul was one of my first mentors in the fitness industry (I went through many of his correspondence courses and three of his certifications). Paul's ability to assess disease states down into their foundational elements, and then to create a healing program addressing them is one of his truly great gifts, as his willingness to teach it to thousands of practitioners around the world. His contribution to the world of health and healing is massive.
I especially loved the part of this podcast where we talk about how he's boiled down everyone's everyday health to what he calls "The Last 4 Doctors You'll Ever Need" - Dr. Happiness, Dr. Movement, Dr. Quiet, and Dr. Diet.
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