Oct 26, 2018
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Katja Pantzar is a Helsinki-based writer, editor and broadcast journalist. Her newest book was published in the UK, Germany, and in June 2018 in the USA.
It's called The Finnish Way: Finding Courage, Wellness, and Happiness through the Power of Sisu (Tarcher Perigee/Penguin Books).
The Finnish Way takes readers on a journey to Finland and explores simple and sensible ways to boost well-being inspired by the Nordic lifestyle ranging from winter swimming and cycling to the Nordic diet – all through the special Finnish concept of courage and resilience called sisu.
FROM ANDY: There is something about sisu that is incredibly appealing to me. So much so that after reading Katja's book I started taking cold showers every day simply to inject some sisu into my everyday life. Sisu is easy to manifest in your everyday life, and Katja does a great job revealing that in her book and in our conversation. Yes, you too can benefit from a little sisu in your life. Listen in our conversation for inspiration, ideas, and understanding why.
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