Dec 12, 2014
Robb is the author of the bestseller The Paleo Solution is a former research biochemist, and one of the world’s leading experts in Paleolithic nutrition. He has transformed the lives of tens of thousands of people around the world via his top ranked iTunes podcast and wildly popular seminar series.
During our conversation (Robb and I are old friends) we talk about sugar, dairy, seasonings, and how the odds are stacked against all of us when we try to shut down our own "vacuum cleaners" (stop eating foods that we were biologically created to be addicted to).
I interviewed Robb as part of the Whole Life Challenge interview series. This series represents our continued commitment to addressing health and fitness in the context of a person’s Whole Life. We’ve specifically chosen subject-matter experts who have mastered areas of their lives that are related to the health and wellness habits we introduce in the Whole Life Challenge.