Jan 31, 2015
This being the third week of the Challenge, do you find yourself thinking about what else you could be accountable for? In this quick "What to expect" podcast we talk about this "strange" phenomenon that both Michael and I encounter. We also talk about the benefits of recovery and sleep - that you should be enjoying...
Jan 28, 2015
This week in our podcast, we thought it would be fun to hang out with someone that has been a regular player now for 5 Challenges in a row, who we've never actually met in person. Her name is Athena Slavin... and she became known to me when in her very first Challenge, she became a regular contributor to our forums...
Jan 24, 2015
You've survived on the energy and momentum of week one. You've shaken off the pre-race and first lap jitters... and now it's time to settle in. This week is about finding your stride. Too fast and you'll burn out before the finish line; but too slow and it's not a Challenge at all. Here's the great thing about the WLC -...
Jan 21, 2015
This week we talked with Heather McKearnan and Nate Harris of Undisputed Fitness in Santa Fe, New Mexico. They have been powerhouse Affiliate Partners, participating in every single worldwide Challenge (7) since the first one in September of 2012. In every case, they have had one of the largest Official Teams (by...
Jan 17, 2015
In the following link, you’ll find a ten-minute podcast where Michael and I talk about what to expect during the first work-week of the Challenge and strategies we use for success. We discuss using the positive energy and momentum you’re feeling in Week One to set yourself up for success in the seven daily habits...