Aug 26, 2016
My guest this week is Erin Cafaro Mackenzie. She is two-time Olympic gold medalist. She was part of the United States Women’s 8 crew team that won back-to-back gold medals in 2008 and 2012. She’s also won gold at six out of eight World Championships (and bronze at the other two). She is also only 5’9 and 160 lbs...
Aug 18, 2016
This week, we’ve got Valerie Waters to the podcast. Val is a personal trainer to the stars. No, really. She’s been training Cindy Crawford for something like 12 years now… as well as Jennifer Garner. And she has an entire book of A-listers to her credit. She’s one of the go-to trainers for hollywood agents,...
Aug 4, 2016
Christine Hassler is a highly saught after professional speaker, a life coach of over 12 years, and the author of three books - *The Expectation Hangover, 20 Something, 20 Everything*, and the *20 Something Manifesto*. She's someone whom you look at and think, wow... she's so successful, positive, confident... she's...