Feb 25, 2015
Corporate Teams are more prevalent than ever in the Whole Life Challenge, and in this episode, Andy & Michael head out to Universal City, CA to visit with one.
The team's name is "Proud as a Peacock" which makes perfect sense considering the company they work for. There's Matt Wagner (aka "Magner"), Chira, Jocelyn,...
Feb 20, 2015
It happens about this time in EVERY Whole Life Challenge - people starting to comment that, "It's been long enough, I'm over this, This is so long, I'm tired of this already."
And if this is happening for you, it's a perfect time to check in and ask yourself, "What IS it that has been long enough? What are you tired of?...
Feb 18, 2015
Alexandra Paul knows about exercise. She knows about diets. She
also played a lifeguard on probably the most famous lifeguard show
of all time, Baywatch. As a vegan herself, she has a lot of
perspective to share about how she manages her performance as an
athlete and entertainer on veggies alone.
During our hour...
Feb 15, 2015
Some of you have found your stride and are starting to see things get easier and are even starting to see the results of this... "you got this." Others, not so much - it's still a struggle or you haven't really jumped in. Join us for our short, start-of-the-week podcast where we talk about all of this,...
Feb 10, 2015
Your hair is falling out, you're going through full on night sweats, you're exhaused every day, and you were given three options to "cure" yourself: prescription drugs, surgery, or changes to your diet. Which would you choose?
Meet Kristin (of Eat Drink WOD)... who was faced with this sort of dilemma about 8 years ago,...