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Dec 28, 2016

You may not recognize Jay Jacobs from his name, but many of you would recognize his face, body, and story. Jay and his daughter, Jennifer, contestants on season eleven of the NBC hit weight-loss reality show, The Biggest Loser.


Jay and his daughter were the Green Team and lost a combined total of 295 pounds on the...

Dec 15, 2016

You may have heard of Thrive Market (think Whole Foods meets Costco), but you may not have heard of it’s co-founder and co-CEO, Nick Green.  Nick started Thrive as a wholesale buying club with a mission to make healthy living easy and affordable for every American family. It was a risky venture, since nothing like it...

Dec 9, 2016

Scott McGee is a dedicated father and husband, professional good guy/guardian, loyal friend, CrossFitter, and eternal optimist with an open mind and an unconquerable soul - that’s directly from his website. He’s a police officer, serving Santa Monica, CA as a detective, beat officer and a member of the SWAT team....

Dec 1, 2016

Dr. Andrew Hill is one of the top peak performance coaches in the country. He holds a PhD in Cognitive Neuroscience from UCLA's department of Psychology and continues to do research on attention and cognitive performance. Dr. Hill is the founder of Peak Brain Institute, host of the Head First Podcast with Dr. Hill,...

Nov 18, 2016

When is the last time you heard someone talking about getting in shape and losing weight where in the next sentence they said they were going to start by addressing sleep? I’m in the health and fitness business… and I can tell you that I’ve NEVER heard someone say that.

Why not? I can tell you… easy… It’s...